Family Photoshoot: Culolias Family - Fall Photoshoot

I honestly do not now how we got to December.

Not just because it’s been a hectic year, but because the past two weeks came and went in a blur. The usual November milestones- birthdays, Thanksgiving, and Friendsgivings, did not come in the form of gatherings, but rather excited group texts, visits from a far and just plain postponement.

At the same time, I can totally believe we’re already in December- how exhausting has this year been?

Anyway, musings over- I’m excited to kick off the family photo season with this amazing bunch: The Culolias Family.

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If you’re looking for a great example on how to coordinate a family’s outfit for a photoshoot- look no further this family. While you still see the unison in the colors, you also see everyone really pop in their own way.

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This photoshoot was done at Yorba Regional Park in Orange County. Honestly, I’ve been shooting for a while in both LA and Orange County and was surprised I had never been here- what a breathtaking location. (Thank you Sandra for the find!) Everything about this photoshoot worked out great- the location, the views, the sunlight and the cute family. Best of all- while the park was definitely lively, we were able to find solitary spots for the shoot and social distancing purposes.

If you have any questions on the location, feel free to reach out! Or if you just want to see more of this beautiful shoot, be sure to follow me on Instagram!


Family Photoshoot: K Family


Kids Photoshoot: Milah - Round 3